Organization issued identification card with a photo of the face (employee ID card, etc.).
The organization to which the user belongs to guarantees the identity of the user to a third party, with a photo ID containing the following information:
(1) 利用者の氏名と顔写真
User's name and photo of the face
(2) 利用者の所属する法人名
Name of the organization to which the user belongs
(3) 利用者の所属する法人が利用者の身分を認める旨の記述
A statement that that the organization acknowledges the identity of the user either printed on the photo ID or in a separate certificate letter on company letterhead.
There is no photo ID issued by the organization to which the user belongs to. The organization will submit a certificate and a copy of an ID with a photo of the face such as a driver's license, etc. Examples of acceptable alternate IDs:
(1) 運転免許証
Driver's license
(2) 旅券
(3) マイナンバーカードまたは住民基本台帳カード(ただし、個人番号通知カードは除く)
My number card or Basic resident register card (except personal number notification card)
(4) 在留カード
Residence card
(5) その他研究所が認めるもの
Other types of document recognized by the organization